We offer perpetual adoration in Our Lady of Guadalupe chapel. Feel free to stop in! Doors are open to the public during daytime hours.
To sign up for a weekly hour, call Cindy at 701-552-1675 or Marilyn 701-261-5051, or visit 247adore.com. The chapel is located at 615 7th Steet N, Fargo.
If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church, please contact Mary Hanbury at 701-356-7909.
Our McMerty Food Pantry is located at 630 7th Ave N. We are open to anyone who needs food, regardless of where you live. The pantry is open the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays of the month, noon to 4pm. If you wish to support the pantry either monetarily or through grocery donations, please drop them off at the parish office.
For our online Ministry Scheduler: CLICK HERE
View the latest ministry schedule: CLICK HERE
If you would like to serve as a lector, EMHC, sacristan, etc., please contact Naomi (naomi@cathedralofstmary.com) in order to receive training and get on the schedule.
The Altar Society assists with funeral luncheons, fundraisers, and other church functions. The goal of the Altar Society is for women to come together socially and spiritually to serve the Church. Ladies are welcome to join the meetings; contact the parish office or see the bulletin for the next meeting.
The Cathedral Choir prays by singing three weekends a month at the 10am Mass. Please contact our director Dr. Jay Hershberger (jay@cathedralofstmary.com) if interested. If you are not interested in singing the choir, but would like to serve musically in other ways, such as being a cantor at Mass, please also let Dr. Hershberger know.
The Angel Choir meets before RE classes on Wednesdays, and is open to children in 1st to 8th grade. Click here for more information.
If you feel you may be called and are willing to serve as a catechist during our Wednesday night RE classes, please contact Naomi at 235-4289, naomi@cathedralofstmary.com. Our schedule follows the school year, and will begin again next September.
For more information on the Cathedral’s Religious Education program, see our Religious Education page under the 'Faith' tab.
For boys, who have received First Communion and have been Confirmed, who want to serve at Mass. Meet once a month for training. For more information contact Thomas Dobrzynski at dobrzynski12gmail.com or 701-866-3071.
A group for young ladies of the parish in grades 4-12. Girls learn how to live a virtuous life while growing in friendship, faithfulness, and joyful service to the parish and community. For more information and the calendar, click here.
The Knights of Columbus meet on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm in the Wanzek Center. For more information, reach out to Glen Krogman, glenkrogman@yahoo.com.
CCM is a group of mothers who meet monthly to pray for their families and discuss issues pertaining to mothers and families. If you woud like to organize, contact the parish office for more details.
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at St. Anthony’s in Fargo.